SN Utils Slashcommands


SN Utils Slashcommands

Using a powerful Chrome add-on extension for ServiceNow called SN Utils by Arnold Kooi.A must-have for development/administration.

As a ServiceNow developer, using sn utils simplifies the process of opening various scripts like client scripts (accessible with /cs) rather than typing entire name client scripts from the left navigation. Additionally, for technical field names, you can right-click on each field to reveal its backend name, eliminating the need to type /tn with sn utils to display all backend field names.

Most used slash commands in ServiceNow: 

/tn -to getall technical backed names for fields in form
/fd -open flow designer
/code myScriptInclude-work as script contains and it will give results
 /syslog - ct - f- to get logs created on today
/sys_user enter -open user table(not only user /incident enter open incident table.
 /sys_id -search any record with sys _id
/bg - open background script
 /me -my user profile
 /plug - filter plugins
 /sp -open serviceportal
/tables -open sys_db_object.LIST
/uh-show hidden fields 
/up -ui policy 
 /si-script includes 
/br-business rules
 /cs-client scripts
 /ua -filter ui actions
 /u abel-filter user
 /imp -impersonate user
/xml open current record xml view 
/versions -versions of current record 
/incident -n -opens incident new record
/incident -ut -incidents updated today
/incident -ct -Incidents created today
/incident -un or cm(updated or created by me)
/incident -m -updated or created by me 
/incident -ga or gd -group by ascending or descending
 /incident -t -table backend 
/incident -c-table config
/incident -erd -show schema map

Cheat sheet



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