Import App From GitHub into ServiceNow


Importing an Application From GitHub into ServiceNow

A quick walkthrough on how to import an app from GitHub into SN.

Fork app

If it's someone else's app, fork it into your GitHub account.

Create Access Token

In your GitHub account

  • Navigate to Profile > Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens > Tokens (classic)
  • Click Generate New token
  • Provide a Name
  • Select an expiration date
  • Select scope: repo
  • Click Save
  • Copy the generated token

Create Credentials

In your ServiceNow instance:

  • Navigate to Connections & CredentialsCredentials
  • Click New
  • Select Base Auth Credentials
  • Populate the following fields:
  • Name - assign a meaningful name
  • User name - your GitHub username
  • Password - your GitHub-generated access token (see above)

Import App

  • Navigate to Studio (IDE) or App Engine Studio (AES)
  • Click Import from Source Control
  • URL - the forked repo address
  • Network protocol - https
  • Credentials - select the credentials you have created above
  • Branch - leave it blank (if it's not working, provide the master branch of the forked app)
  • Click Import

Now, you have imported your app into SN.

So, if you make changes to your app then they will be automatically saved in your GitHub repo!


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